Sunday, August 7, 2022

Lunch Followed by Art


I had a craving for some of that tasty pazole they serve at the cafe at the Heard Museum so I went for lunch on Friday.  I didn't go into the museum but I did stop at the gift shop and the Berlin Gallery after my lunch.  The Berlin Gallery is where they have special works of art for sale.  I always find interesting things in that wonderful gallery.  This painting by Monte Yellowhorse is perfect example.  This work is called "Bird Buffalo Trail".  I love the combination of patterns.  

I also admired the painting above by Dolores Purdy.  It's called "Running With the Buffalos".  This type of art is  called ledger art, artworks painted on old ledger pages.  

To the right is another piece that caught my eye.  This piece is by an artist named Marvin Oliver and the sign on it said it was 'chiseler glass'.  I didn't know what that was so I did some searching and I've come to the conclusion that the sign should say 'chiseled glass'.  It's certainly an interesting piece.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  It's about a surprise encounter in Oregon.


  1. Good food, good paintings... a special treat.

  2. Nice outing... lunch and art. : )

  3. I'd be hungry after looking and thinking about all that art too

  4. I especially like the "ledger art." The special paper adds to the interest of the piece.
