Saturday, July 23, 2022

What to Photograph Next

I had an appointment with the eye doctor one day last week and I didn't realize they were going to dilate my eyes on this visit.  So there I was sitting in the darkened room and waiting for 15 minutes while my pupils reacted to the eye drops.  Needless to say, I was bored.  That's when I got out the trusty iPhone and took a picture of the interesting gadget with all the dials and number that the doctor uses to measure the strength of my eyesight.  

Just to put it in context, I decided to take a photo of the exam room across the hall.  

I hate wasting time sitting around doing nothing so I did what I always do, took some photos.  


  1. You use your time very efficient!

  2. I know the feeling. ᒡ◯ᵔ◯ᒢ

  3. Haha this is called being productive. However, I hope there is no security guards coming to arrest you for that

  4. There is almost something interesting around us, the first photo is really great.

  5. Another reason it's so great that cameras are small and portable these days!

  6. You are right about that. :)

  7. Don't waste a minute Sharon! I love that you took these shots.

  8. It was a good way to spend your time. : )

  9. I've never thought of taking photos of my optometrist's equipment, cool photos
