Friday, July 8, 2022

Ready for HIs Close-Up


This handsome fellow stood perfectly still while I took a couple of "head shots".  It was just like he was posing for an important photo shoot.  

Gambel's Quail are such cute birds.  I love photographing them.  


William Kendall said...

Very cooperative

William Kendall said...

Excellent takes of a very patient photo subject.

Gemel said...

What a stunning chap!

biebkriebels said...

Wonderful bird!

Travel said...

I have only seen fleeting glimpses of those, they are such pretty birds

RedPat said...

I love these shots, Sharon! What a handsome bird.

Catarina said...

Stunning bird!

Bill said...

He's a beauty!

Steve Reed said...

Great shots!

Aimz said...

Very pretty and he knows it too