Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Mister Fog


Last Sunday we had some very cloudy weather with rain in many parts of the valley.  It brought the temperatures down from the 110's on Saturday to the low 80's on Sunday morning.  But the clouds also brought higher humidity.  

Businesses use misters during the summer months to try to cool public spaces down a bit but, when there is humidity in the air the misters make it look like it's foggy.  

I stopped at Biltmore Fashion Park shopping center where it was looking very foggy on Sunday around noon.  


Gemel said...

Great photos Sharon.

biebkriebels said...

Fof is always great for photos.

Andy said...

You fooled me Sharon. I thought the fog was the real thing. {٩ಠಠ}

Travel said...

I have seen those on a couple of times, they do make a difference

roentare said...

The photos show the wild side of the city with that dust in motion!

Stefan Jansson said...

Never seen that over here, where it is really raining at the moment.

RedPat said...

I have never seen such a thing here. Our heat is always humid so that would probably make it worse.

Bill said...

Something we don't see here. We do get a few humid days but that's it.

Steve Reed said...

I never think of Phoenix as foggy, that's for sure!

William Kendall said...

Misters are exceedingly rare here.

Aimz said...

Unusual having fog in Summer though, but then again stranger things have happened.