Friday, July 29, 2022

All That Glass


All that gorgeous Chihuly glass is now gone from the Desert Botanical Garden.  When it's cool enough to walk there again, it will seem bare without these beautiful installations.

Luckily, I took plenty of photos while the exhibition was up so I can be reminded of all the beauty from time to time.  


Gemel said...

How sad they have moved on, I really loved the vibe they added to the gardens.

biebkriebels said...

That looked very beautiful between the nature there.

William Kendall said...

They are marvelous.

Travel said...

Still lots of wonders to see

RedPat said...

What a change that will be.

Bill said...

They look so good there, it will be sad not to see them.

Steve Reed said...

It's all off to another botanical garden, I imagine!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

They really do add a lot of pizzaz to the garden!

Aimz said...

But they are all pretty spectacular