Monday, June 20, 2022

You Are Not Alone


Another new mural that I recently spotted is on the side of a building near Osborn and Central Ave.  I've always wondered what business was inside this building because the only sign on the buildings said simply "REN".  I discovered that stands for Recovery Empowerment Network.  It appears to be a type of mental health consulting business.  So the mural makes sense.  The sign on the side of the truck in the mural reads "Your story does not end here".  

Taking part in Monday Murals.


Andy said...

You are not alone is a Michael Jackson song.

Gemel said...

How cheerful.

Janey and Co. said...

Not only a beautiful mural, but one of encouragement.

RedPat said...

It is lovely and timely, Sharon.

Travel said...

Pretty and meaningful, there is such a lack of mental health support in this country

Alice said...

Pretty mural with a good message

Sami said...

Wonderful mural, love the rainbow, and the bright flowers.
Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Sharon.

Bill said...

Very nice mural with a message.
I read this article this morning about Phoenix, don't know if you saw it but it made me think of you. Stay cool!

Aimz said...

I like that, a very positive message

William Kendall said...

Wonderfully colourful.

William Kendall said...

That is a good one.

Steve Reed said...

Colorful, positive mural!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

When I first saw it, I thought the artist was paying tribute to Ukraine, but this also makes sense about the often overlooked concerns of mental health, too.