Thursday, June 23, 2022

The Color Purple


I had plans to take an early morning walk at the garden yesterday because the last few mornings we've experienced some pleasant morning temperatures.  However, nature had other ideas.  At 6:00 AM yesterday morning the temperature was 88 degrees (31C) and we had some humidity in the air making it feel even warmer.  I decided that would be a bit too hot out in the sun. So instead, I perused my flower photos and made a couple of collages of some of the pretty purple blooms I've photographed.

There is something about purple blooms that appeals to me very much!

P.S. I forgot to check the spam file the last two days so I missed a whole bunch of comments.  Sorry about that..  I've been trying to check it every day but forgot all about the last two days.  I wish Blogger would get that fixed.  


biebkriebels said...

You found a lot of this colour!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They are some beautiful blooms

Andy said...

Fantastic. I wish I had a flower collection like yous.

Travel said...

Great collection, I hear it has been really hot there for so early in the season.

Bill said...

A beautiful collection you captured.

Steve Reed said...

I agree! The spam folder is a nightmare! I knew my comments weren't appearing but I figured you'd see them eventually. :)

Nice collages! Fortunately there are LOTS of purple flowers so you have many to choose from.

RedPat said...

These are gorgeous, Sharon.
I find your comments in my spam folder most days but the spammers get posted. Go figure.

Stefan Jansson said...

That is a very warm morning indeed.

Gemel said...

These are lovely.

William Kendall said...


Aimz said...

some really nice shades of purple in your photos, I've been discovering the same thing with my blogger, usually I get them emailed to me to approve but I've been finding comments in spam too