Saturday, June 18, 2022

Thirsty Birds


I took a walk at the Desert Botanical Garden yesterday.  My first time there in June.  I was only there for an hour because it started getting too warm to be in the sun but, I was happy to see that the fountain feature in the Contemplation Garden was full of water again.  It was empty for repairs the whole month of May.

The birds were happy too.  I saw quail enjoying the cool water and this white-winged dove also stopped by for a drink. 

They were joined by a mourning dove who was thirsty too.  I enjoyed sitting there and watching all the activity.


Gemel said...

The first bird is spectacular.

Andy said...

Wow! Fantastic bird photos.

Stefan Jansson said...

Birds seem happy.

William Kendall said...

Very pretty birds.

Steve Reed said...

I hope the birds didn't suffer too much for that month when the fountain was closed! They do seem happy now.

RedPat said...

I always love it when you show us a Quail, Sharon.

Travel said...

I understand it has been dangerously hot there, stay cool

Bill said...

The birds are trying to stay cool by the water. Great pics, Sharon.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Quail are such beautiful, expressive birds. Nice that they have a source of water. You photographed him beautifully!

Aimz said...

Cute little guys, it seems they are watching you

Revrunner said...

Super captures!