Saturday, June 25, 2022

Something New

 I was in Scottsdale briefly yesterday and found a new art piece on the Scottsdale Waterfront.  These colorful, mosaic balls were a pleasure to see.

These colorful balls put a smile on my face and I must admit, that wasn't easy.  News has been pretty dire here in the US the past few days.  Between the January 6th hearings and the totally damning testimony and a Supreme Court that appears to have gone completely off the rails, life here has been a bit depressing.    I'm struggling to make sense of it all.


  1. The balls also made me smile... looking at the first photo I thought it was Easter.
    PS: The whole world is going wacky. ٩(̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾)۶

  2. These are quite cheerful, Sharon. Just what we all need.

  3. I know how you feel, find beauty around you

  4. I do like the colorful balls! Not the news, so much...
