Saturday, June 11, 2022

Just a Pretty Scene & An Update


I took this photo at my friend Glenda's house just two days before I got sick with COVID.  Thankfully, Glenda did not get sick but my friend Julie did and a week after that her husband Dave got sick.  

My doctor prescribed the drug Paxlovid which is supposed to shorten the duration of COVID.  However, one of the side effects is nausea.  In my case, severe nausea.  The sore throat and cough went away in 3 days but the nausea hung on and on.  It finally eased up last weekend but it left my stomach a bit queasy.  I  have to be careful not to eat too much or anything too spicy.  

So that's my COVID experience.  Not as bad as the poor souls who got it two years ago but, bad enough that I don't ever want a repeat.  


biebkriebels said...

Oh that sounds not so good, poor you. Glad to hear you feel better now.

Andy said...

Sharon I am glad that you have survived Covid. My wife and I have been lucky so far. Stay safe and strong.

Catarina said...

I'm sorry to hear that.
I believe that sooner or later all of us will get Covid at one point.

I believe that as of today (in Ontario) we no longer have to wear masks except to visit nursing homes and hospitals. I intend to wear them a bit longer and in public places.

RedPat said...

Not a fun experience. I hate nausea. If your tummy is a bit queasy still try taking a ginger pill (Gravol has a good one) or peppermint tea. Both of those work for me to settle the tummy.

Travel said...

Thank you for the update, take care of yourself.

Revrunner said...

Well, now you should be well loaded with antigens. :-)

Steve Reed said...

I'm glad the worst is past. I guess the docs figure nausea is better than not being able to breathe! I hope your stomach gets back to normal soon.

Bill said...

Glad to hear that you are getting better. The covid numbers are rising here too with the hospital admitting more patients. My wife and I still mask up when we go in to places and have been lucky not getting it.

Catalyst said...

So sorry you had to go through the Covid experience but glad you're feeling (somewhat) better.

William Kendall said...

My experience was of a persistent deep cough.

Aimz said...

We all came down with it several months ago, it seems to affect people differently, the boys had mild doses whereas my daughter and I got hit hard. I'm glad you have recovered.

Janey and Co. said...

Don’t know why but it reminds me of the game. Pick up Sticks.