Tuesday, June 14, 2022

A Phoenix Iconic Building


It's a been a long time since I've featured this iconic Phoenix building located on Central Ave. and Osborn Road. The building is a very distinct looking building with this side that resembles an old piano-roll for an old player-piano.  The building is part of the Phoenix Financial Center complex that is composed of this tall building and two single story, round buildings located on the other side.  The other side of this building is also quite unusual.  You can see the other side from this 2012 post.  


  1. I miss a few big windows, it is a lot of stone.

  2. A player-piano for sure. It's an eye catcher.

  3. Those long narrow windows, probably make for a strange interior space.

  4. I looked back at your past photos -- it's a pretty cool building when you look at the other side and the small round structures too. Interesting design.

  5. Such an interesting design. I like it.
    It was fun looking at the names of the commenters from the 2012 post. So many who we don't hear from or are no longer with us.

  6. maybe all of that light colored stone protects from the heat of the sun. Maybe there is a practical reason for the piano roll. I do appreciate the design and the unusual creativity of it, It looks grand!

  7. The building is a beauty. I like both sides, very attractive.

  8. At first glance, the windows wouldn't seem sufficient. They're somewhat deceptive that way, perhaps intentionally.

  9. I like it, it looks very 1950s 1960s

  10. I lived for many years only a couple of blocks from that building. I always called it the IBM Card Building. Which may not make any sense at all to The Modern Generations.
