Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The Twisted Tree


When I was in Scottsdale last Friday, I spotted this tree in front of the Drunken Monk restaurant.  I had to snap a photo.  I believe it might be a mesquite tree.  Mesquite trees sometimes get pretty gnarled.

Behind the restaurant, there is a "secret" passageway that used to lead to hidden bar.  It was a popular place that served some 700 wines and offered weekend jazz artists. Finding the place down this secret passage always added a bit of mystery to the evening.  

It is all quiet back there now but I did see a grape vine growing against the wall and an exotic bird sculpture.  

I still think that the star of this little adventure is that twisted tree in the first photo.


Gemel said...

That is one spectacular tree.

biebkriebels said...

A funny tree, almost a piece of modern art!

Andy said...

Thanks to the tree, the first thing that popped into my mind was Chubby Checker singing "Let's Twist Again".

Travel said...

Neat place, nice tree

RedPat said...

Love the tree, Sharon.

Steve Reed said...

That is a great tree! It looks like it's been twisted up by a tornado. Or a giant stirring spoon!

Linda Sue said...

The mesquite trees are fascinating. Of course I would have allergies around them, wicked allergies , as wicked as the tree is bent! Great photo !

Aimz said...

I like that tree, it's like it's got a mind and shape of it's own.

Revrunner said...

Magnificent tree!

William Kendall said...

Quite an unusual tree.