Friday, May 20, 2022

Rags to Riches


I've got a couple of random shots today starting with the rags...expensive rags.  I saw these shorts for sale at Nordstrom's and they obviously made me stop for a second look.  I know I'm sounding a lot like my mother but, why would someone pay good money for these.  And by good money, I mean $70.00.  

Moving on to the "riches" part of this post, This is a view of the penthouse at the top of an office building in Scottsdale.  The city of Scottsdale has very few high-rise buildings but this one has been there for at least 30 years.  The original owner had a penthouse residence at the very top.  I'm not sure if anyone still lives there.  I happened to park on the top level of the Scottsdale Fashion Square shopping center where I got a great view of the top of this building.


Andy said...

I will never understand why teenagers buy clothing with rips in them. Then again I guess every generation has their own fad. When I was teenager used to put tons of Brylcreem in my hair.

Stefan Jansson said...

Not just teenagers Andy, I ses a lot of people in their early thirties wearing ripped jeans these days

Travel said...

I had shorts like than when I was 16, but the wear was from hard wear. That is a lot of glass for Scottsdale, the AC must be strong.

RedPat said...

I have ripped jeans that I wear for gardening and other really dirty work. Those shorts are unreal, Sharon.

Steve Reed said...

Those raggedy shorts are insane. Someone could go to Goodwill and get raggedy shorts (or jeans they could easily make raggedy) for a couple of bucks.

Allison said...

I do NOT understand the whole ripped jeans thing. Last winter, when it was very cold, we'd see kids with their knees exposed. What the what?
That was an amazing flower spike.

Catalyst said...

When I had a pair of jeans that developed holes in the knees SWMBO suggested I photograph them and offer them for sale on eBay! It might be worth a trip to the top of that parking garage at night to see if there are any lights in that "penthouse".

William Kendall said...

I don't get it, but I don't get fashion in general.

biebkriebels said...

I should not pay a nickel for this rubbish...

Aimz said...

I'm with you on those shorts, they don't leave much to the imagination either.