Saturday, May 14, 2022

On Guard


Whenever I see a male Gambel's quail perched on top of something and just sitting there, I'm pretty sure he's on guard and watching over the female on a nest or the young ones out for a stroll.  I didn't see his mate or any chicks so I'm assuming he was making sure a nest wasn't disturbed.  I enjoy seeing these unique birds as they go about their business and I especially love their little "headdress" feather.  


  1. Yes... he is definitely standing on guard for his mate.

  2. I have never seen one. What a great bird.

  3. I love seeing these guys too. Out on hikes, I'll see them perched on a lookout, and hear them making their characteristic warning sounds.

  4. Always feels special to see the quail and their head. Gea. Thanks r

  5. He looks beautiful with that head piece!

  6. I sure don't see any of them!
