Thursday, May 5, 2022

Desert Rider


There is a rather unusual exhibit going on at the Phoenix Art Museum.  I went to see it last weekend and I'm not sure what to think about it.

The exhibit is called "Desert Rider" and this is how the museum describes it:
"Explore the sociopolitical realities and imaginative interpretations of automotive and skateboarding subcultures through diverse works by local Arizona and regional artists."

The exhibit had a strange mix of pieces on display among them a series of magazine covers from a magazine called "LowRider".

I chose this cover to display today since today really is Cinco de Mayo!

The "car" above is called Gypsy Rose Piñata by Justin Favela.  

I'll show you a few more pieces from the exhibit tomorrow.


  1. The southwest has a unique and vibrant car culture.

  2. It is a strange culture of car worship. Would be interesting to see.

  3. A pinata in the shape of a car... : )

  4. I love the big piñata! Car culture isn't really something I "get," but it looks like a fun exhibit.

  5. Definitely a very cool car.
