Monday, April 25, 2022

An Overload of Cuteness


When I woke up Sunday morning, I could hear the honking of those geese that hang out around here and I wondered what they were up to.  I hadn't seen them in over a week.  So I went outside and looked down to see this family group walking along the parking lot.

I went downstairs and followed them around a bit.  At a safe distance of course.  They did hiss at me when they first spotted me.  It was just a little warning to me to steer clear of the young ones.  I followed them past the Bar-B-Que grills.....

...and as they wandered along the various pathways on the grounds of the complex.

And, finally they were back in the parking lot again where "mom" and "pop" stopped for a while and all the little goslings took the opportunity to have a rest.  After all, they had been on a very long march through the grounds of the apartments. They must have been tired.

After a few minutes of rest, they were off again marching along the parking lot and back inside the grounds once more.  I have to admit, I found following this little family to be a wonderful way to start a Sunday morning.  


  1. Lovely family, hope they find soon some water to exercise their swimming skills.

  2. Awe... the young ones are so cute.

  3. They are so cute, Sharon. That must have made your day.

  4. How lucky! That is a complete children's book right there in real life! The pavement must get very warm for them, roasted babies!Stunning little family. You have made my day!

  5. A lovely family, very very cute.

  6. Can't be cuter than this. Wonderful takes Sharon.

  7. Lovely gentle geese, nice to see each parent at either end watching over their children.
