Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Something a Little Different


Here is a piece of art that stopped me in my tracks as I was roaming around the big tents for the Celebration of Fine Arts.  This is the work of artists Brad & Sundie Ruppert of Norwalk, Iowa.  They create art using pieces of felt.

I had to take a closer look.  The piece had a 3-D effect making it look like that big cat was about to leap out of the frame.  

Taking an even closer look, you can actually see the individual pieces of felt used to create the image.  What an interesting way to create art.  It's fascinating the number of ways people express themselves in through art.  


biebkriebels said...

Love this, amazing how the artist created it!

Travel said...

There is a style of painting that uses dots, this reminds me of that. Really neat.

Catarina said...

Impressive. Well done.

Andy said...

Amazing art work. You have sharp eyes Sharon. I thought it was painted on.

William Kendall said...

This is a beautiful work!

RedPat said...

Wow! Fabulous, Sharon.

Linda Sue said...

Astonishing- It looks like the substantial industrial felt - it will not destruct and it will not fray! It is easy to work with for purposes -like making gigantic cats in a frame! WOW!

Bill said...

Incredible and amazing piece of art.

Steve Reed said...

That IS amazing. So many layers!

Aimz said...

oh I like that, gosh so clever