Saturday, March 26, 2022

Random Sightings


Today I have another series of random and unrelated sightings from the last two weeks.  First up is a pizza place in north Phoenix.  This place used to have all yellow umbrellas on their patio but now they have the colors of the Ukrainian flag.  Good for them!

Here is another moonrise shot that I took last Saturday on the night of that party with all the dogs that I wrote about earlier this week.  The house I was at had a lovely view of the mountains and one of the guests spotted the full moon making an appearance over the top.  We all went out on the patio to watch it and a few of us got our phones out for a photo.  

The next is a billboard I saw for the "Tattoed Realtor".  I wonder which came first the tattoos or the real estate license.  I'm guessing the tattoos.  

I'll end this post with another delicious dessert!  I found this beauty in the same bakery where I sometimes find those decorative fruit tarts that I've pictured before.  On this occasion I believe this is a cheesecake instead of a fruit tart.  It was very tempting but I decided a photo had less calories.  I do wonder if it tasted as good as it looked.  


Andy said...

I always get emotional about Ukraine. They really do need our help.

Your moon rise shot looks awesome. I have always waited for the moon to rise above the horizon before I took a shot... but that is about to change on.

I am not interested in selling my house.

The last photo... I do have a sweet tooth.

Enjoy your weekend!

biebkriebels said...

That last one looks very tasty!

Travel said...

So many interesting things around, if we take a moment to see

RedPat said...

I hope that you got yourself a little treat, Sharon. It's only once in a while. ;-)

Bill said...

The dessert looks yummy. I like your. moon rise. The umbellas are nice to see that they are supporting the Ukrainians, they need all the help they can get.

William Kendall said...

That dessert does look good.

Gemel said...

THe moon photo and the desert are the winners here.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Pie & Wine sounds good, and I love the updated color scheme. Beautiful moonrise photo!

Aimz said...

That sign is a very novel way for him to advertise his business though

Steve Reed said...

Love the Ukrainian flag umbrellas! As you said, good for them. I admire the tattooed realtor's determination to make a positive trademark of his perhaps ill-considered body art. (Face tattoos -- yikes!)