Friday, March 18, 2022

Playing with the Moon


When I went for my walk at the Desert Botanical Garden, I noticed that an almost full moon was shining in the afternoon sky.  I decided to see if I could get some interesting shots.  This one between two saguaro.

Here is one with the moon above one of the saguaro arms.  

Here is one through the glass arms of one of the Chihuly sculptures.  

Finally, I just zoomed in on the moon all by itself.  I haven't played with moon shots in quite a while.  That was fun!


Stefan Jansson said...

Nune playing.

Andy said...

Well done. Including the cactus makes a whole different way of looking at the moon.

biebkriebels said...

It is fun indeed, the cactus looks almost like fingers pointing at the moon!

Travel said...

Neat, we can remember when people visited there.

William Kendall said...

These are well framed.

RedPat said...

Daytime moon shots are such fun. Nice ones, Sharon.

Steve Reed said...

In the second one, the moon looks like it's rolling down that arm of the cactus!

Bill said...

Great moon shots, Sharon.

Gardens at Waters East said...

Nice shot! The cactus adds lots to the photo.

Aimz said...

Nice shots, looks like the cactus is pointing the way

Gemel said...

Great shots Sharon.

Catalyst said...

And they are splendid, O photographer!