Friday, March 4, 2022

My Artistic Purchases


I mentioned that I purchased two things when I visited the Celebration of Fine Arts last Friday.  Here they are.  

Above is a small handbag by Janet Chico of Material Things.  The ironic thing about this purchase is that I thought it would be perfect for when I attend plays at Gammage Auditorium.  They changed their handbag policy to only allow bags of a certain size.  A few days after I made this purchased, they changed their policy again, only allowing clear plastic bags.  Oh well, I'm sure I'll get lots of use out the handbag for other events.

To the left is the piece of pottery that I purchased from Myron Whitaker.  I've always admired his pottery pieces and in fact, I bought my first one probably 8 years ago.

I had to do some rearranging on my bookcase but I think it looks pretty good on the same shelf with the one I bought years ago.  The one in the middle was made by a good friend and fellow Art Challenge club member, Ted Wolter.  


  1. I like that purchase too, where do have you to put your handkerchief when no bags are allowed in the theater....

  2. Clear plastic bags in an auditorium? I've never heard of such a thing. It's not an airplane! I like the looks of some of the old books on your shelves. I'd like to see what titles you have! (And yes, the ceramics are great too!)

  3. Looks like a handy bag, nice pottery amazing glazes

  4. Very good purchases.
    A plastic handbag? Transparent?

  5. A clear plastic bag? No purses. How bizarre. I think I would pass on going.

  6. Beautiful pottery, Sharon. I guess with the new clear bag policy, they want to make sure it is a safe environment.
