Sunday, March 13, 2022

Mountainside Homes


I mentioned yesterday that the second house on the garden tour was located in a mountainous spot in Paradise Valley.  Driving in that neighborhood, we caught glimpses of other hillside houses.  

As I said yesterday, I hadn't explored much on this side of the mountain so it was fun seeing places I had not photographed before.  

I'm sure living in this environment has it's ups and downs (pun intended).  The views must be great but I'm sure that deliveries can be be a problem along with many other things that I'm glad I don't have to contend with.  But, I am happy that I can drive around here and admire the houses.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I have highlights from Italy.


  1. The houses are well hidden seen from below.

  2. They don't tend to take away the natural beauty of the surroundings.

  3. I love the look of them but I agree with you about other issues.

  4. They are well hidden in the hills and would make great holiday homes.

  5. These remind me of pictures I used to see growing up of Bob Hope's house in Palm Springs, built into that mountain like a giant flying saucer.

  6. That location would not entice me.

  7. I really like them and hope the homeowners have a good view

  8. Gosh they are certainly nestled into the hill!
