Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Homes for the Birds and the Bugs


I took these photos three weeks ago when I went on those private garden tours.  The above photo is of a couple of houses for garden insects.   

These two photos show birdhouses that are very unique.  I'd put them in the  'luxury' category.  

Pretty fancy accommodations for both the birds and the bees.


Andy said...

Whether it's insects or birds it is always a good feeling when one helps these creatures... especially when the young one hatch.

Gemel said...

I love the variety of homes you can get for bees and birds these days. I particularly like the last two.

biebkriebels said...

They look wonderful, have never seen so many different ones.

Travel said...

Neat post about the birds and the bees

RedPat said...

It is good to give the creatures a bit of help.

Gardens at Waters East said...

Nice variety you have shown us today. We have come a long "artistic way" for the simple structures of years ago.

Bill said...

Quite the variety to choose from.

Roseann said...

That metal birdhouse (the last photo) must get up to 250 degrees in the summer.

William Kendall said...

These are well built.

Steve Reed said...

We have some bug houses like that in our garden, and they DO get used!

Sami said...

Fancy houses for the bees and the birds indeed :)

Aimz said...

I really like those, such a great idea but I've only ever seen one myself.