Friday, March 25, 2022

Grackle the Thief


I stopped at the shopping center last week to pick something up and on my way back to my car I saw this grackle steal a dog biscuit from a bowl in front of one of the shops and fly it over the the fountain.  I grabbed my iPhone and started taking photos.

He kept turning it over in the water as though he was trying to soften it up a bit.  Besides being scavengers, grackles appear to be pretty smart too.


Gemel said...

A clever and stunning bird. Very crow/raven like.
The ravens that visit my garden do the same with some of the food they find.

Travel said...

Wonderful colors too

Andy said...

This grackle is definitely not a bird brain. ~(‾▿‾)~

biebkriebels said...

He sure is smart and I like his beautiful blue colour!

Steve Reed said...

That IS pretty smart!

Janey and Co. said...

Clever little thief!

RedPat said...

I think that isn't the first time that he has done that! Good to catch it, Sharon.

Sami said...

Clever bird! I've seen crows do the same thing here.

Bill said...

That's one smart bird who got himself a treat.

William Kendall said...

Very clever.

Aimz said...

I haven't seen that type of bird before but good on hi =m getting that biscuit