Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Full Moon Rising


I was at my friends Julie and Dave's house last Thursday celebrating St. Patrick's Day when we saw the full moon rising in the east over the mountain.  I snapped this shot with my iPhone and was surprised at how well it turned out.

My camera was in my car so I ran out to get it and took this shot using the "moon" setting.  It made the sky and foreground much darker but the detail of the moon was better.

I zoomed in on just the moon and got an even better shot of it.  I was surprised at how long it stayed the yellow color.  When I ran to get my camera, I figured by the time I was back in position it would have slipped from yellow to white but it didn't.  I'm sure it has something to do with the dust and pollution in the atmosphere.  


  1. The full moon and St. Patrick's Day together... charming.

  2. How interesting that your camera has a specific setting for the moon. I guess a lot of people do take moon pics, though.

    Now I'm singing Creedence Clearwater Revival!

  3. Could be dust indeed. We had sand from the Sahara in Africa of all places, in our country! Cars and garden furniture had a grey surface by the sand. Nature surprises us some times.

  4. Great shots, I can remember when people use to visit there

  5. Fabulous shots, Sharon.
    Now Steve has CCR in my head.

  6. Great shots, Sharon. Interesting seeing the moon yellow.

  7. Great shots. I watched the moon too that night as it came up out of the East over Lake Michigan - fantastic!

  8. You did well taking those photos with your cellphone, mine isn't that good.
