Monday, March 7, 2022

Abstract Mural

 I found this mural at the Tucson Botanical Garden when I visited there last spring.  I loved the abstract look and colors.  It was a fitting background for the desert plants and those bright blue pots.  I didn't see a signature so I don't know the artist's name.  

Taking part in Monday Murals!


Andy said...

Nice colouring, Just looking at it makes me feel good.
What can I say? I like colours.

Travel said...

I like that, I should paint more.

RedPat said...

I like this one a lot, Sharon.

Steve Reed said...

I love it! Lots of energy and color! It looks like a '50s abstract expressionist painting.

Linda Sue said...

Fabulous painting!! Looks like food for the sun! How I envy your light down yonder. We are generally in the dark. This painting generates vitamin D!

Sami said...

I like the colourful mural too. And the blue pots would just go so well in my garden :)
Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Sharon.

Janey and Co. said...

Oh I like this one!

Stefan Jansson said...

A bit of Mondrian in there.

remmij said...

believe the artist is Kyle Johnston, piece is titled “Thinking of Things To Show You”

remmij said...

hard to find current info on Kyle Johnston - he did have an exhibit at the TBG:
the sun will eat that painting if it is left outside…

Bill said...

Nice and colourful.

remmij said...

up close…

William Kendall said...

Quite colourful.

Mae Travels said...

I'll have to check out the Tucson Botanical Garden. I love places like that.
Thanks for the enticing post.

best... mae at

Aimz said...

wow I like that, I'd happily have that in my garden