Friday, February 11, 2022

Something Very Different


One year ago, I like so many others, found myself "locked-down" at home due to the pandemic.  As someone who is always out taking photos everywhere I go, I suddenly found myself wondering what to do with myself.  To fight off the boredom, I found myself photographing things around the house and making my own little abstract art pieces.  The one above was my first attempt.  I had a drawer full of "Sharpie" pens in a rainbow of colors so I arranged them and photographed them.

On another day, I photographed these two sets of multi-colored crayons.  Using the crayons to make art turned out to not work very well but, I love how they look in their boxes.

I purchased these three colorful "sticks" at the Phoenix Art Museum.  They are just decorative pieces that can be placed in bouquets of flowers or into potted plants to brighten them up.  I actually put this photo to use as one of the backgrounds on my iPhone.

Tomorrow I'll show you one more.


  1. Well done Sharon. Boredom has it's challenges and sometimes we have to think outside of the box.

  2. Love those sticks. Very creative.

  3. You know you are no different to me in that

  4. Wonderful, there is awe and wonder all around us.

  5. These are great, Sharon! Between the lockdowns and the cold snowy weather here it has been hard to get out and about.

  6. Great shots! It IS a challenge to produce photographs when you're stuck inside. (As I've rediscovered over the past week!)

  7. You have no shortage on creativity. Nice and colourful, I love those sticks.
