Thursday, February 3, 2022

Small Sculptures


Scattered around the Taliesin West property are a variety of small sculptures.  The dragon above actually breathes fire.  We didn't get a demonstration but the guide said she had seen it with fire on several occasions.

To the left is a sculpture called "Presence of Mind" by Heloise Crista.  

This one is also by Heloise Crista but the name of it has been worn off of the plate below it.

Ms. Crista was an apprentice of Frank Lloyd Wright but she joined the Taliesin Fellowship not to become an architect but to "work in an atmosphere of such ideas and such people."

She also created this sculpture of Frank Lloyd Wright that is located inside the main house.  She was a talented artist who left behind a number of interesting sculptures.  


  1. The fire breathing dragon, that would be fun to see.

  2. Fascinating sculptures. Something I don't see very often.

  3. The dragon is my favourite, it is something I would gladly have in my garden.

  4. Those are interesting sculptures. I always like those open air exhibitions.

  5. Bronze art that will survive for eons

  6. Surrounded by art - that is the way to live.

  7. I want to see the dragon breathe fire! Is it a rare occurrence?

  8. I would love to see the dragon that breathes fire.

  9. Wow, I like that fire breathing dragon! Might need to trim some of that oleander back, though.
