Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Sculpted Metal


I tried to go for walk at the Scottsdale Civic Center park last weekend only to find in closed for construction.  I'm not sure what is happening there but the entire park was closed off with special instructions for how to get to the various buildings the frame the park.  

So, instead of a walk in the park, I took a short walk along the old town streets.  That's where I saw these two saguaro cactus made of metal. They were in a little garden outside a gallery shop.

I guess if you don't want to care for the real thing, you can always opt for one of these beauties.  

The one in the top photo almost looks real, doesn't it?


  1. Sorry the park was closed. I am always in awe of this beautiful giants…and spent a lot of time when I was in AZ snapping pictures. You have discovering some great ones!

  2. I was going to say the same -- that top one looks very realistic!

  3. They would look fabulous here out in the snow!

  4. I thought the first one was read until I read on. I like the way you photographed it.

  5. I loved the perspective of the first photo.

  6. Those would survive in this climate
