Sunday, February 27, 2022

Artists At Work!

 I made my annual trip to the Celebration of Fine Art, that art event that happens every year from late January through March.  I saw many artists who come every year to work in the big white tents and there were several new artists to enjoy.  And, I took lots of photos to share in the future.  

The three shots I'm posting today show three different artists at work on their latest projects.  It was interesting watching this young lady.  She had a photo of a colorful marble on her iPad and was painting the details from that image.

This artist has some incredible landscapes and city scenes in his collection.  I'm always amazed by his work.  I'll have more on his work in the future.  It was fun to once again enjoy being surrounded by beautiful works of art and the talented people who create them.  I bought two things this year.  I'll show you those later too.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm showing some scenery from Utah.  


  1. The artwork is beautiful. I wish I had their shills.

  2. I am only painting with my camera. Always fun to watch artists at work.

  3. That is always nice to watch an artist in creation mood.

  4. The world needs more places where artists and want to be artists, and spend time being creative

  5. I haven't been to an art show for over 2 years now and look forward to seeing more of your shots, Sharon.

  6. Beautiful artwork, it's wonderful to see the artists creating their art.

  7. Now that is an exhibition I would love to visit.

  8. Some beautiful art on the walls.

  9. I love those big paintings of the marbles!
