Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Under Construction

 Within walking distance from me, there are two big apartment complexes being built.  I can't yet tell how this one will look when completed.  I'll keep watching as it develops.

This one gives a better idea of how it might look when done.  It looks like maybe some curved balconies might be shaping up on this one.  I'll make a point of photographing them again when they are complete.  


Gemel said...

Very different style to construction done here. The second block has a bit of character already.

Andy said...

Very same thing happening here. I like the curved balconies.

Revrunner said...

Yep, top dollar for those end units.

RedPat said...

That is a nice scale rather than huge tall towers, Sharon.

Steve Reed said...

Those balconies look like they'll be nice!

Stefan Jansson said...

No website?

Travel said...

It might be fun to take a photo a week, or a month while a building takes shape. I miss the smell of a job sight.

Bill said...

They will be spendy but I imagine the buyers will come.

Allison said...

Phoenix is growing these days. Wonder where they think all the water will come from. Did you read about Rio Verde? They're out of water.

William Kendall said...

Quite different from here.

Catalyst said...

The curved balconies would be nice though they are very close to what appears to be a busy street.

Aimz said...

The front corner sort of has an art deco feel to it.