Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Purple Potato Plant


This is a photo from a recent walk at the Desert Botanical Garden.  My attention was on the hanging planter in the above photo when I saw all the purple flowers on the shrub behind it.

They are the blooms on a purple potato plant.  I must have a real affection for purple flowers.  I'm always drawn to them.  

I wonder if this plant ever produces any potatoes.  


Gemel said...

Beautiful colour to the flowers.

Andy said...

Thank you. With all of the freezing temperatures we are having here the flowers put me in a happy mood.

biebkriebels said...

That colour stands out!

Travel said...

I wonder if the color of the bloom, relates to the color of the tubor? We never grew potatoes on the farm.

William Kendall said...

Very pretty.

RedPat said...

Beautiful purple, Sharon! Like Andy said it is cold here today, -20˚C this morning!

Catalyst said...

Who cares. The blooms are enough!

Steve Reed said...

What beautiful flowers! The leaves don't look quite like the potato plants we have here (the ones that grow actual potatoes) so I wonder if it's a true potato?

Aimz said...

i've seen that flower before, I wondered what it was called.