Saturday, January 1, 2022

Theme Day: Photo of the Year


January 1st is the day that City Daily Photo bloggers post their favorite photo from last year's many posts. I chose this one that I posted on September 8th.  I took this photo of this pretty little Rufous Hummingbird when I was at Newport Coast at the end of summer.  I was surprised to see this little fellow and equally surprised that my hand-held telephoto photo turned out this beautifully.  It's my favorite one that I posted last year.

If you would like to see other bloggers favorite photos, click here.  And, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!


Stefan Jansson said...

A fine photo it is. Handheld is the best way to shoot.

Andy said...

A great way to start the new year. I have never seen a hummingbird with such beautiful colours as this one.

biebkriebels said...

A happy New Year to you too!

RedPat said...

It's a beauty, Sharon! Happy New Year to you!

Catarina said...

Happy New Year, Sharon.
You chose your picture well.

Denton said...

very nice macro photo .. love the colors .. great choice for Theme day

Travel said...

Amazing detail, a moment captured

Bill said...

A cute and colourful little bird. Great choice, Sharon.

Thérèse said...

No better way than to celebrate with this hummingbird who knows what "colors" means.
Happy New Year Sharon!

Steve Reed said...

That IS an amazing photo. A prize-winner for sure. Happy New Year, Sharon!

William Kendall said...

A beautiful bird.

Bob Crowe said...

Beautiful. A wide open lens and fast shutter will get you a long way.

Gemel said...

What a wonderful photo Sharon.
Happy 2022

Jim said...

Brilliant shot.