Monday, January 3, 2022

Grey Skies are Gonna Clear Up...


....Put on a Happy Face!

Remember that song?  Well we have certainly had a long run of grey skies.  Since a day or two before Christmas, this is what our skies have looked like with rain showers from time to time.

On Saturday the sun finally returned only it brought wind and chilly temperatures with it.  We actually had a freeze warning for Saturday night.  I can tolerate grey skies in places where they are common but nine days straight here where the sun should be shining is a little much!  Hooray for the return of the sun!


Aimz said...

The chilly temperatures sound lovely, it's so humid here the air conditioning has been on most days.

Stefan Jansson said...

Same sky here more or less. I really miss the sun.

Andy said...

Truly dramatic skies. They are a spectacular sight.

biebkriebels said...

We are used to those skies but a clear sky is much more pretty.

Travel said...

Pretty there, snow here this morning

William Kendall said...

Very moody.

RedPat said...

That is what we have been having to but today it is sunny with a temperature of -15˚C!!

Steve Reed said...

Well, we all need change now and then, right? :)

Bill said...

Our skies look like that almost daily. I love the cloud cover in the first photo, very dramatic.

Gemel said...

Would welcome grey skies here right now. Nothing I love more than a lovely cold wet grey rainy day.

Catalyst said...

I've just finished a memoir by Stanley Tucci in which he states repeatedly how much he hates L.A. because of the constant sunshine! He says he likes colder climates and frequent rainfalls. Probably why he now makes his home in London.