Friday, January 28, 2022

Fiery Pianos


When I was in New York last October, I saw this bright red piano in a shop window.  I had to stop for a photo.

In December, I saw this painting at the Heard Museum and it reminded me of that red piano.  Who knows why I made the connection but I decided to post the two photos together.  The painting is called "Fire" by Harry Fonseca.  Fonseca is known for his coyote character who appears in all his paintings.  I think the piano company above should put a stuffed coyote on the edge of that red piano.  


Andy said...

Elton John's red piano? ♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸

Steve Reed said...

Excellent connection! I love the painting. You'd have to have an interesting decorating style to have a bright red grand piano!

William Kendall said...

I like the combination.

RedPat said...

I like them both, Sharon. The red piano is amazing.

Linda Sue said...

Thank you so much for this! Sent me down the rabbit hole of finding out about Harry Fonseca- fabulous artist, leaving this realm too soon. His work in the Smithsonian Indian museum is utterly breath taking. Thank you again! Wonderful !

Bill said...

Great shots! It's amazing to see a red piano, I never seen one before.

Travel said...

It would make a statement in the right room

Janey and Co. said...

Sounds like a perfect idea to me!

Catalyst said...

Oh, yes!

Gemel said...

That is one funky piano!

Aimz said...

It's not often one sees a bright red piano.