Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Construction Complete


Yesterday I had photos of two apartment complexes under construction.  Today I have two that I found that have been recently finished.  This one faces a gated entrance with two buildings facing each other.

This one has a different look with four buildings in a row.  These have an interesting look to them with those big windows facing the street.  However, I wonder about the windows on the other units in this row. I'm not sure they would have much a view. 


Andy said...

Home sweet home.

Travel said...

I love that box shape

William Kendall said...

They would seem out of place here.

RedPat said...

It looks as if some of them would be looking out at each other. That is one way to get to know your neighbours.

Catarina said...

Very different to what I'm used to.

Bill said...

I think they are very attractive.

Allison said...

I wonder which direction those big windows face. If they look west, there will be afternoon heat!

Gemel said...

They are a bit drab looking.

Catalyst said...

Kind of stark.

Aimz said...

I actually like the building in the top photo, very modern.