Friday, January 7, 2022

Celebrating the New Year


I celebrated the New Year with my friends Julie & Dave last Saturday and Julie put together quite a New Year's treat.  

We started with caviar and champagne.  Dave got out the good champagne glasses for the occasion.

Julie decorated the living room with festive party hats but I don't think any of us actually put them on.

After the champagne and caviar, Julie served lobster pot pies that she ordered from a specialty food store.  They had big chunks of lobster meat inside that puff pasty crust and they were delicious.  

Thanks Julie & Dave for delicious start to the new year.  


biebkriebels said...

I love those champagne glasses! (OMG you got a long spam story above....)

Travel said...

Nice, good stuff and nice glasses.

RedPat said...

That was quite a celebration1 We are in lockdown here with no visiting for at least a few weeks.

Steve Reed said...

Those champagne glasses are swanky!

Roseann said...

Lalique champagne glasses?

biebkriebels said...

After I visited you I had the same spam as yours on my blog! Stupid stuff!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Sounds nice but too rich for me I'm more for simple fare

William Kendall said...

Quite a way to see in the new year.

Gemel said...

Those glasses are fabulous!

Aimz said...

It all looks good, I've never tried caviar though.