Thursday, January 6, 2022

Baskets Made of Glass


Inside the Frank Lloyd Wright home at Taliesin West is where we saw the last of the Chihuly glass pieces. They were placed on two low tables next to the window.  They call these "Golden Celadon Baskets".

Chihuly calls these baskets because he originally patterned these smaller pieces after some Native American baskets that he had seen.  They were older baskets and many were misshapen.  He saw the beauty of the strange shapes and created glass to look like them.

The colors of these pieces fit beautifully into the interior of the home.  They looked like they belonged there.  


Andy said...

I envy the artist. A lot of work went into theses beautiful pieces of art.

biebkriebels said...

It looks good, interesting shapes.

Travel said...

Very much in keeping with their surroundings. I wonder why he filled them with things?

RedPat said...

These have always been favourites of mine from all his designs.

Bill said...

What beautiful art, it's stunning.

William Kendall said...

These are marvelous.

Steve Reed said...

Beautiful. I love those irregular, organic forms.

Gemel said...

These are cool.

Aimz said...

wow how very cool, i'd like those.