Thursday, January 27, 2022

Admiring the View and the Light


On one of my visits to the Heard Museum, I was standing in the little sculpture garden and there was something about the light that appealed to me.  So I snapped this photo of the sky over the wall and then....

....I snapped this photo in another direction looking toward the Art Deco condo building near the museum.

Just two quick photos that I find appealing for some reason.  


Andy said...

It's the condo building that caught my attention. It looks so new and clean.

biebkriebels said...

Art Deco?? We call this style "New Business" Art Deco has much more decorations isn't it?

Travel said...

Surround yourself with images that make you happy

Catarina said...

They are appealing to me too.

RedPat said...

A photographer's eye is always on the lookout!

William Kendall said...

I like both.

Bill said...

Nice captures, Sharon. I like both photos too.

Gemel said...

The first appeals to me.

Catalyst said...

I always wanted to live in that building.

Jack said...

Looks like someone did a watercolor wash of the sky.

Steve Reed said...

I like the condo building. I wonder if the residents could set plants on those ledges, or would they get blown off?

Aimz said...

The yellow against the blue is a totally different contrast.