Saturday, January 8, 2022

A Variety of Apartments


There are new apartment buildings going up all over the valley lately.  Some are tall and others only two to four stories high.  The growth in the multi-family housing has been quite rapid.  

Here are three that I recently spotted.  In the first photo, there was a special event going on in the park across from the apartments.  That's why there are so many people on the street.  The one above must be brand new in the past two years.

This group has business space on the ground floor and condos above.  This one is located right in the heart of old town Scottsdale so I'm guessing these are pretty pricey.  

I've been hearing that there is a housing shortage brought on by population growth and the effects of the pandemic.  I just hope that some of the new places are in the "affordable" range.  I think the need for affordable housing is the greatest challenge right now.


Andy said...

The buildings look nice and not in need of repair. After the wife and I got married we lived in apartment for seven years. It served our purpose until we had enough money for a down payment on a house.

Revrunner said...

Providing more affordable housing is an issue here too.

Gemel said...

The last photo has more appeal than the other two.

William Kendall said...

Very eclectic.

RedPat said...

I like the low rise ones best. Affordable is the issue here too, Sharon.

Travel said...

I like the first building. If I wanted another career, going back to affordable housing has always been in the back of my mind. It was emotionally rewarding work.

Steve Reed said...

I like the first one, with those big, wide terraces. Seems like housing is in high demand in many major cities.

Catalyst said...

They are quite attractive, regardless of the prices.