Monday, December 27, 2021

Views from the Museum


I went to the Phoenix Art Museum a week or so ago and while I was there I snapped these two photo out the windows.  This one is from the third floor where this little hidden corner exists.  The BMO building used to be the headquarters for Dial Soap years ago. The architecture of the building was supposed resemble the shape of a bar of Dial Soap.

I took this photo on the ground floor looking out at the little garden courtyard.  The museum wraps around this little area on three sides and on the fourth side at the far end is the Phoenix Little Theatre. The museum cafe is to the left where you see those umbrellas.


Stefan Jansson said...

I guess I will have to do a Google search on that soap now.

biebkriebels said...

Such a big building for a soap company?

Travel said...

The museum looks large, nice

RedPat said...

These are such bright summery scenes for me to see on a grey snowy day here. I didn't know that BMO had such a presence down there.

Steve Reed said...

Does Dial soap still exist? I used to buy it many years ago, but I haven't seen it in ages. (I don't think we have it in the UK.)

Bill said...

I haven't seen Dial soap in years but it is a nice looking building.

Aimz said...

wow the museum has a really nice view from the window

Catalyst said...

Both photos bring back memories to me. I love those tree-shaded grounds of the art museum.

William Kendall said...

Good views.