Thursday, December 9, 2021

Exotic Vases


The indoor part of the Chihuly in the Desert exhibit also included some of the beautiful vases that the Chihuly artists have created.  On one wall was the display above featuring five vases.

On the opposite wall was this piece and the one below.

These are all fascinating creations and they were all beautifully displayed.  


Andy said...

Not a place for a clumsy guy like me. ;-)

biebkriebels said...

Fun exhibition!

William Kendall said...

They do stand out.

RedPat said...

I wonder if he designs them or if the artists have freedom to explore on their own. His glassblowers are so talented.

Steve Reed said...

Nice! And great photos, too. I remember a similar indoor display at Kew. Maybe even some of the same vases!

Bill said...

They are amazing to see and do catch your eye with their beauty.

Travel said...

Great colors, glass is so fun

Aimz said...

All of those are neat and so unusual.

Gemel said...

Very colourful and unique.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful. Love the colors!