Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Two More Challenges from the Past


Here is another of my Art Challenge entries from 2011.  The challenge subject was "Highway".  I took a photo of a very desolate highway and I turned the blue sky into bricks.  I called it "Heading Toward the Fossil Fuel Brick Wall".  

For a challenge in 2012, I decided to try painting.  I will admit I'm a novice painter but I like to try.  The subject was "Beatles Songs".  I decided to paint my version of Eleanor Rigby.  I thought of her in church, thus the stained glass in the corner.  You must admit, she does look rather lonely.  


Gemel said...

Really like the first one Sharon. Very creative.

biebkriebels said...

Nice ones, go on.

Andy said...

So that's what Eleanor Rigby looks like.

William Kendall said...

Very creative.

Travel said...

Will the sky be that blue when we hit the wall? Love them

RedPat said...

You have great fun with these challenges, Sharon.

Linda Sue said...

wonderful painting! I love her best of all. Your painting skills are fabulous.

Steve Reed said...

I love the brick sky! And Eleanor is good too -- certainly better than I could do. You envision her much younger than I do.

Bill said...

The first one is awesome. Very nice work!

Catalyst said...

The Giant Orange would like that first one!

Aimz said...

Well I think you did better than I would've, I can't paint at all.