Friday, December 10, 2021

The Very First Art Challenge


A few days ago, I mentioned that I might post some of my art challenge pieces from the past.  Our little group of "artists" started way back in 2010 and the very first challenge was "No Smoking".  I remember that I struggled with the subject trying to think of something I could present.

During that time, I attended a work related conference at a local resort and while on a break, I spotted this huge ash tray outside on a patio and it was totally full of cigarette butts.  I snapped a photo and then using my photo editing software, made it into a kaleidoscope image.  It isn't something one would frame and hang on the wall, but it did the job for that very first challenge.  

Tomorrow I'll show you a challenge from 2011 that ended up in an exhibit at the Shemer Art Center.


  1. As former smoker I am glad I gave them up many years ago.

  2. Amazing to see so many butts. Such a gross habit.

  3. Glad you had the software to do the dirty work of arranging the butts in to a design. Very creative, Sharon.

  4. Oh, now I love that, actually. It's a beautiful image of an ugly thing -- the contrast is interesting!

  5. love the photos but eww as a former smoker it grosses me out.
