Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas!!


I found this very pretty tree in the lobby of an office building.  I thought it was beautifully decorated and perfect for Christmas Day.

I wish it were as sunny today as it was when I took this a few days ago.  It's quite wintery and wet here today.  True winter weather for a change of pace in the desert!

I hope you all are having a very nice holiday!  Enjoy!


Travel said...

Merry Christmas, have a fun day

Catarina said...

Have a wonderful day!

RedPat said...

Merry Christmas Sharon!

Bill said...

Merry Christmas, Sharon.

Steve Reed said...

Merry Christmas! We're still having the same weather, as you know. :)

William Kendall said...

That's well decorated.

Gemel said...

A very well decorated tree.

Jack said...

That is a good one. Merry Christmas.

Sami said...

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas Sharon and wishing you the best for 2022!

Thérèse said...

Perfect little tree for not a perfect time. But this doesn't prevent me from wishing you a nice season.

Aimz said...

We had a very quiet day here, my adult children spent the day with their father's family so it was just the 2 of us.