Sunday, December 12, 2021

Holiday Sightings


Signs of the season are everywhere you look right now.  I took these photos the last week of November when I was surprised to see these carolers singing at Biltmore Fashion Park.  They were probably celebrating the poinsettia tree that had just been erected.  That big red tree of poinsettia plants is something of a holiday tradition at this shopping plaza.

Do you notice the contrast between the winter clothing on the carolers and the shorts on the shopper in the background?  Up until just two days go, we've been having unusually warm weather for this time of year.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I have a few random shots in Chicago.


Stefan Jansson said...

Impressive tree from the poinsetta flowers.

biebkriebels said...

Nice that first photo, but a red tree is new for me.

Revrunner said...

I wonder where the fellows were able to land those frocks.

Andy said...

My first look at a poinsettia tree. I have only seen them in flower pots before.
PS: Lucky you to be able to wear shorts outside.

William Kendall said...

Very bright reds!

Travel said...

Cold at Christmas is very much a European and Northern part of the North America construct,

RedPat said...

People were in shorts here yesterday as our temps went up to 18˚C but then we got snow overnight. Crazy weather everywhere. Love the tree, Sharon.

Bill said...

I never seen a red tree before, it's quite impressive. Good to see the carollers playing their music, they must be hot in those clothes.

Aimz said...

I've never seen a poinsietta tree either, at least not here anyway

Janey and Co. said...

Oh that tree is beautiful. It is funny and quite a contrast in the clothing!

Catarina said...

They must have felt quite warm.

Steve Reed said...

Isn't it ridiculous that they had to wear coats? I mean, can't people sing about Christmas in a warm climate and dress accordingly?