Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Holiday Roses


I had Christmas dinner at my friend David's house and he had these very pretty roses as the centerpiece for the table. I snapped the photo above and sent it to him the next day and then he sent me the photo he took to the left.  I love it with all those shadows around it like exclamation marks.

The beautiful roses came from David's garden.  His bushes are still blooming away.  

If you are wondering what was casting those symmetrical shadows, here it is.  The pretty crystal chandelier that hangs above the table.  


  1. Beautiful. I was trying to figure out those shadows before I scrolled down.

  2. Very nice, home grown roses often have a lot of scent

  3. Beautiful roses and very pretty colours.

  4. That is a fabulous centerpiece and chandelier -- love the light & shadow effect!

  5. The flowers bright up the season... and the shadows have a very fascinating display.

  6. It is good to have some sun in winter, beautiful pictures.

  7. It's winter here and I still have a couple of roses growing, I think they are confused

  8. i really like the shine of the chandelier lights.
