Monday, December 20, 2021

Fluorescent Paint & Gardens


In 2015, one of the challenges for my Art Challenge Club was fluorescent paint.  Another interesting challenge.  I had to search some craft stores to find the paint and once I had it, I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do.  I ended up with this rather simplistic painting.  However it did glow in the dark, which was the goal.

In 2016, one of the challenges was "The Garden as an Autobiography".  For that challenge I printed a large number of pictures of the various flowers I've taken and I cut them out and arranged them to make a frame for a little poem I wrote.  It was a fun project and I liked the result of this one.

P.S. I think blogger has messed up the whole comment feature.  Last night I checked my site ready to delete that pesky spammer who visits us all and I found several comments that never posted to my site. One had been marked as spam but I had never seen it, the other was awaiting moderation only it shouldn't have been according to my settings.  I hope they get things fixed soon.  


Gemel said...

I love the way your pieces are always so original.
The second is my favourite here.

biebkriebels said...

They both look very nice!

Andy said...

The more I look at the first painting the less simplistic I see.
PS: Go easy on Google Blogger... it's free. ;-)

William Kendall said...

These are wonderful.

RedPat said...

I like them both but especially the flowers, Sharon.
I don't even know where the spam box is. Blogger is a mystery in a lot of ways to me.

Bill said...

I like them both and they display your creativity.

Catarina said...

You are very creative!!!

Steve Reed said...

I like both pieces! And interesting note about the comments -- I've also noticed some wonky things happening with comments lately. Maybe Blogger is struggling to get a grip on the spam and changing settings that also affect comments we want. Who knows?

Aimz said...

I like what you've done, and yes I've been having the same issue with blogger too.