Tuesday, October 19, 2021

More New York Views


Here are two more views from the hotel window only this time in the daylight.  

I didn't realize until the morning that if we looked to the side we could see the river.  

We had a slow morning before taking a walk and then visiting a The Gagosian Gallery to see an interesting exhibit by artist Tatiana Trouve'.  Her works were about time spent in lock down because to the pandemic.  It was interesting.

We had a fantastic early dinner at Kappo Masa, a Japanese restaurant that was on the lower level of the gallery.  It was as delicious as it was beautiful. 

After dinner we headed to the theatre to see "The Lehman Trilogy" a play about the Lehman Brothers of investment banking fame.  That might sound like a boring subject, but it was excellent.  It was extremely well acted and staged and filled in a lot of historical information.  I enjoyed it very much.

That's it for Tuesday!


  1. I am enjoying NY again through your lenses

  2. Thanks for taking us along with you Sharon!

  3. OK, yes, now I definitely know which hotel you're in. :)

  4. Enjoying your photos from the "Big Apple".

  5. Around here we would call that a photo from the nosebleed floor. :-)

  6. I think I would never leave my room if you ever got me there in the first place, too many buildings.

  7. My gosh! You are out and about! With people! In New Yawk!
