Monday, September 13, 2021

View of Central Avenue


This mural is painted on the side wall of some apartments in Tempe Arizona.  In the background you see a sign on one of the buildings.  It says "San Carlos Hotel" which is actually on Central Avenue in downtown Phoenix.  I didn't see a signature on this one so I can't say who the artist is.  But it is certainly a little tribute to downtown Phoenix in the middle of the city of Tempe.  

Taking part in Monday Murals


  1. The mural fits right in with the location.
    PS: I wish artists would always leave the names.

  2. I hope no one makes a wrong turn onto that street,

  3. What a great way to pay homage to the "big city." This is very well done.

  4. Lovely mural, it looks as if there is a street in the middle of two buildings.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Sharon.
