Saturday, September 18, 2021

Queens of the Desert


I got to take a long walk at the Desert Botanical Garden yesterday morning.  It's finally cool enough in the morning to take walks outside again.  We still have daytime temperatures in the 100s but it's only 81 in the mornings.  There was also a heavily overcast sky so it was just about perfect for walking.  And to top that off, at 7:00 AM on a Friday, there was hardly anyone else there.  

I saw a group of queen butterflies hovering over a butterfly bush so I stopped to snap a few photos.  Obviously, these beauties are a lot better looking than the ugly bug I posted yesterday.


  1. A beautiful shot. Butterflies are truly amazing creatures.

  2. A friend of a friend is an entomologist in Chicago, Doug posted photos the other day of Monarchs with ID tags, stickers on the underside of their wings, he is part of a research project tagging them as they pass through Chicago on migration. Maybe you will see one.

  3. The butterflies are gorgeous. Great shots, Sharon!

  4. I like these, but I liked the ugly bug too. :)

  5. So pretty, we have the monarchs out and about now.
